The Worlds We Want Episode 4: Dialogue through Documentary Making

the Worlds We Want
2 min readJan 31, 2018


Want to catch up on Episode 4, or follow up on something mentioned in the show? You’ve come to the right place!

Audio of the show can be found here:

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Trailer for Liz Miller’s Shoreline Project

Trailer for the Climate Listening Project

Music featured in this episode:

In addition to a lot of clips from some of the documentaries we looked at in this episode, we also made use of these pieces of music:

The people interviewed in this episode are:

  • Liz Miller, Professor in Communication Studies, Concordia University, principle of the Shoreline Project — “an interactive documentary exploring the tensions of rising sea levels and unchecked development in coastal towns and cities around the world. Visit the site to explore 43 videos, interactive maps and more!”
  • Dayna Reggero is an activist, film maker, and Founder of the Climate Listening Project — a collaborative, film based effort “to connect and share hopeful conversations on climate and community.”

A few things referenced in the show

Recommended reading

Recommended Viewing

Some of Project Partners mentioned in the show

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the Worlds We Want

A podcast exploring the bright side of global climate change…. namely the change part. We consider cutting-edge research contributing to better futures.